The Ocean and the Teacup
The ocean gladly filled the cup
The cup gladly received
The ocean was happy giving
The cup was happy taking
The cup tried reciprocating
But, it could only offer a full cup
It was all it had
It filled itself to the brim
But, despite, its best efforts, the cup could only offer a cup
The ocean graciously accepted
Careful to never point out that the exchange was never or would ever be balanced
Till, the cup brazenly announced it was giving as much as the ocean if not more.
The cup accused the ocean of not being deep enough, wide enough, generous enough.
The ocean wept
It grieved for a bond that maybe never was or should have been.
But, the ocean in its graciousness realized that the cup was confined by its essence.
Its essence and capacity was limited, narrow and small.
The cup remained confined by its nature
The ocean remained the ocean.....